Published on 01/06/2022

Cloudera and the Data Centric model

On the occasion of JEMS DATA CONNECT 2022, we met with our closest partners to share their vision of data as well as their opinion on the Data Centric model. Cloudera has been an integral part of our partner ecosystem for several years. So it was only natural that they answered two questions on the subject!


What are your assets to accompany your customers towards a Data Centric model and industrialize your use cases?

Since its inception in 2008, Cloudera has helped many companies build data-centric platforms. The latest version of the Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) enables the management and security of the entire data lifecycle across all major public and private clouds, providing unified and consistent security, governance, and metadata management.

Cloudera is continuously improving CDP to make life easier for users, system operators, developers, analysts and data scientists. In addition, this platform can be deployed in multiple domains, such as onprem, private cloud, public cloud in PaaS mode and in the near future in SaaS mode. This allows us to offer our customers a truly data-centric platform, which will allow them to address an almost unlimited number of use cases and offer great versatility in order to adapt and evolve according to users’ needs.


What is the future of distributed on premise architectures?

It’s an interesting question, it’s undeniable that the use of the public cloud has continued to grow and for software vendors like Cloudera, it’s vital to be able to adapt our platform on these environments. In fact, Cloudera doubled the number of customers using CDP Public Cloud in 2020. Despite the fact that the death of onprem infrastructures had been announced, even if it becomes a niche sector, the demand will always exist for various reasons. The use of containerization allows to have a private cloud on top of onprem, offering the elasticity and flexibility of a public cloud.

Although Cloudera has often been associated with an onprem-only platform, it is important to understand that CDP is infrastructure agnostic, whether it is onprem, private cloud or public cloud. Customers can access the data wherever it resides with the same APIs. In order to discover the public cloud version of CDP, I invite you to attend our workshop to see how to use CDP in a bank fraud treatment, I will show you the use of several services related to the data cycle.


Bruno Guedes
Partner Solution Engineer at Cloudera


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