Published on 04/03/2021

Watch the CEGID webconference in replay on our YouTube channel!

The world is going through a technology revolution. Thanks to distributed architectures, megadata and cloud computing. There are no more limits.

Data is becoming an asset, with a patrimonial value. This data must be collected, organized and this heritage created to build new services.

NATU: Netflix, AirBnb, Tesla, Uber. They have all launched their data revolution with the success we know. But there is nothing unique about these companies.

Today, any business can be disrupted by this approach.

You are the first.


Watch the replay of our exceptional webconference with Cyrille COQUERET, CTO of JEMS Group and François MERO, Director of the accounting branch at CEGID, who will share his experience.


  • how to disrupt your market with data;
  • how to position yourself on the data maturity scale;
  • the 5 tips for a successful data strategy.

Let’s start !

#datastrategy #datadriven #ia