Creating new services in water transport

The Société du Canal de Provence launched a public tender in order to use all the data from its industrial assets to create new 4.0 water distribution services.
Project context
Société du Canal de Provence (SCP) is a semi-public company that is a regional water supplier, an engineering company and a renewable energy producer. It supplies 2 million people with water and has 50,000 customers. In the context of a public contract, SCP had expressed its need to improve water delivery and bring new services to their customer with data.
The objective is to move from yearly manual meter reading to a remote reading solution such as Linky meters in order to bill as accurately as possible, to limit water leaks or to provide agritech type services to improve the irrigation of plots depending on the weather.
The JEMS solution
Thanks to its data-centric model, JEMS has been selected to develop this project. The data platform will capture all 70,000 connected objects plus data from their IS. JEMS will be the integrator of the complete IoT flow in a “data production and exploitation factory”. Twenty-eight use cases are planned with a first delivery in Q3 2022. The technologies used are Microsoft Azure, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, Azure Data Factory, Purview for the data catalog, Databricks, Power BI and NomoSense for the IoT.
Our technologies used
DataBricks | Azure datalake gen 2 | Azure Synapse | Azure Power BI | NomoSense
Missions in progress:
- Implementation of a secure architecture;
- Ingestion of telemetry data (IoT) and data from SCP’s information system;
- Modeling of the data assets;
- Creation of data sets and APIs and then visualization for use cases;
- Creation of water channel modeling dashboards.