The BIM offer


What is the BIM?

BIM for Building Information Modeling is a set of processes for creating or using a shared digital representation of a built asset, which is called the digital model or digital twins. It facilitates the design, construction and exploitation processes of the said built asset and forms a reliable basis for decision-making. Built assets include, but are not limited to, buildings, bridges, roads, rails, and factories.


Our BIM service offerings

BIM covers the entire lifecycle of a structure, which we can divide into 2 main phases: PROJECT and GEM.


  • BIM PROJECT (grey area): this is the birth of the work, its design and construction. We use BIM to facilitate and organize the exchange of information between all the participants: Project owners, project managers, architects, design offices, construction companies.

By providing critical information on the constructability of the project, we improve efficiency during the construction phase and reduce project risks.

  • BIM GEM (golden zone): While the PROJECT is an indispensable step in the life cycle of a structure, the GEM represents 80% of it. It is in the transfer of information from the DRAFT phase of a project to the GEM phase that BIM approaches its full potential and that the notion of the digital twin really makes sense.

With the help of the digital twin, we can, among other things, enrich the maintenance process and its follow-up, ensure better technical management of the asset or improve the user experience.


Which solution for which problem?

These are typical missions that JEMS performs for its clients:

  • Audit your practices and define a roadmap ?     > Consulting & BIM Strategy
  • Setting up the operational framework ?    > BIM project management assistance
  • Achieve your BIM PROJECT or GEM objectives ?      > BIM and Data Management
  • Digitize your patrimony ?     > BIM modeling
  • Ensuring an increase in the skills of your teams ?     > BIM training


Want to go further? Discover our customer cases (coming soon)

  • Dalkia/SNCF: creation and exploitation of digital twins of 122 stations
  • RATP: modernization of the RATP network, BIM Management and creation of a BIM infrastructure repository
  • Dalkia: implementation of a BIM GEM for the regional headquarters of a major bank (IFC GTB interface, CMMS)
  • EDF: construction of a nuclear power plant using an ultra-detailed digital mock-up


Want to know more? Contact us


Which working method? Agility! 

We set up a training and certification system on agility at scale (SAFe).